Najważniejsze dokonania MKiDN z ostatnich dwóch lat



Więcej środków budżetowych na kulturę, powołanie nowych instytucji, rozbudowa sieci muzeów w Polsce, zakup kolekcji Książąt Czartoryskich – to tylko niektóre z wielu dokonań Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego na przestrzeni ostatnich dwóch lat.

Zwiększenie środków budżetowych na kulturę

Środki na kulturę przekroczyły próg 1,1 % budżetu państwa i wyniosły w sumie około 4 mld złotych. W ostatnich dwóch latach nastąpił wzrost nakładów na kulturę o ponad 20%.

W ponad 4 miliardach z budżetu państwa na kulturę zawiera się:

Nowe instytucje kultury

Nowa instytucja naukowa

Instytut Solidarności i Męstwa (od grudnia 2017 r.) – instytucja naukowa, której celem jest prowadzenie badań historycznych oraz honorowanie i nagradzanie osób, które pomagały Polakom i obywatelom polskim w czasie II Wojny Światowej, a także w latach powojennych.

Współprowadzenie samorządowych instytucji kultury

W przygotowaniu współprowadzenie Teatru Muzycznego w Łodzi, Filharmonii Łódzkiej, Filharmonii Łomżyńskiej oraz Orkiestry Kameralnej Polskiego Radia „Amadeus”.

Rozbudowa sieci muzeów w Polsce

Ochrona zabytków i dziedzictwa kulturowego

Ogólnopolska Konferencja Kultury

Narodowy Program Rozwoju Czytelnictwa

Rozdysponowanie funduszy strukturalnych

Termomodernizacja szkół artystycznych

Wsparcie dla polskich sektorów kultury i kreatywnych

Najważniejsze zmiany w prawie

- poprawiająca ściągalność abonamentu,

- ustawa o PIT (KRUS).

Nowe Programy Ministra

Nowe Programy MKiDN w roku 2017:

W Programie Edukacja Kulturalna stworzyliśmy dwa nowe priorytety:

Nowe konkursy MKiDN

Digitalizacja filmów i dzieł muzycznych

Wydarzenia międzynarodowe

Obchody 100 – lecia niepodległości


Most important accomplishments of MKiDN over the last two years


More budgetary resources allocated to culture, establishment of new institutions, expansion of museums situated in Poland, purchase of Princes' Czartoryski collection  - these are only few of many accomplishments of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage over the last two years.

More budgetary resources allocated to culture

Resources for culture have exceeded the threshold of 1,1% regarding state budget and amounted to roughly 4 billion PLN. Over the last two years, an increase occurred concerning the resources for culture by more than 20%.

4 billion state budget includes:

• 3,8 B PLN - one 24th of total state expenditure available to the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, further divided as follows:

• 680 M PLN - artistic higher education,

• 941 M PLN - education and nurture (artistic schools of I and II degree),

• 2,1 M PLN - culture and national heritage protection

• 88 M PLN - in the budgets of provincial governors;

• 233 M PLN - in the budgets of other resorts and the Office of the President of Republic of Poland, which is financing, inter alia the National Monuments of Cracow Revaluation Fund;

New Cultural Institutions

■ The Witold Pilecki Center for Totalitarian Studies,

■ The Royal Polish Opera,

■ The National Institute of Polish Cultural Heritage established abroad (from 1.01.2018),

■ The National Institute of Architecture and Urbanism (established on 21.11.2017),

■ The National Technical Museum

■ The Polish Music Publishing House,

■ The State Publishing Institute PIW,

■ The Animated Film Studio in Bielsko Biała,

■ The Film Studio KRONIKA of the Polish Film Chronicle,

■ The Short Film Studio in Warsaw (SMF).

New Academic Institution

Institute of Solidarity and Valour (from December 2017) - research institution, its primary objectives have been to conduct historical research and to honour and reward the people, who provided Poles and Polish citizens with help in the World War II, as well as in the post-war years.

Co-management of Local Cultural Institutions

■ The Polish Theatre in Warsaw,

■ The Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic Orchestra in Szczecin,

■ The Artur Malawski Subcapathian Philharmonic in Rzeszow,

■ The Tadeusz Sygietyński State Folk Group of Song and Dance "Mazowsze" based in Karolina,

■ The Polish National Song and Dance Ensemble "Śląsk" in memory of Stanisław Hadyna,

■ The Paderewski Centre in Kąśna Dolna.

In the making – co-hosing of  the Musical Theatre in Łódz, the Łódz Philharmonic, the Łomża Philharmonic, and the Polish Radio Orchestra “Amadeus”.

Expansion of Museums Situated in Poland

■ The Polish History Museum at Warsaw Citadel (international tender for construction of the Museum was on announced on the 5 October 2017),

■ The Cursed Soldiers Museum in Ostrołęka (under construction; opening planned for autumn 2018),

The Museum of John Paul II and Primate Wyszynski at the Temple of Divine Providence (opening in November 2018 r),

■ Construction on the Józef Piłsudski Museum in Sulejówek (opening planned for November 2018 r)

■ Establishment of the Westerplatte and 1939 War Museum and merging it with the Museum of World War II in Gdańsk. Opening the Museum of World War II, opened on  -23 March 2017 (is currently under adjustment regarding permanent exhibition of the Museum),

The Piaśnica Museum in Wejherowo –established on 21 December 2015,

The National Technical Museum – established on 6 June  2017,

■ The Ulma Family Museum of Poles Saving Jews in World War II in Markowa (agreement on co-management of the Museum has been signed on 23 June 2017),

■ The Home of Pilecki Family Museum in  Ostrów Mazowiecki (agreement on co-management of the museum has been signed on 27 December 2016),

■ The Memorial and Museum of Former German Nazi Extermination Camp in Tremblinka (on 23 July 2017 the letter of intent was signed, concerning unbinding of regional museum in Siedlce),

■ The Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War in Łambinowice - Opole (from 1 January

2018, co-hosted by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage and the Marshall of Opole Voivodeship).

■ The Residents of Oświęcim Lands Museum (from 1 January 2018),

■ Projects that are currently being developed, include - the Former Eastern Borderlands of the Republic of Poland Museum in Lublin, the Siberia Remembrance Museum in Białystok, the Warsaw Ghetto Museum.

Protection of Monuments and Cultural Heritage

■ purchase of Princes' Czartoryski collection, consisting 86 thousand of museum objects

and facilities related to numerous claims regarding moveable cultural assets that are a part of this collection and which were lost in the World War II. This collection was purchased for a fraction of its market value.

■ Purchase of Princes’ Czartoryski Gołuchów Castle with the aim of the National Museum in Poznań

■ Establishment of the National Monuments Protection Fund. Its objectives include creation of new source of national resources spent on preservation of monuments. Influence of the National Monuments Protection Fund involves administrative pecuniary sanctions imposed in cases, which until now there were constituted as violations, as well as vengeances imposed in relation to monument destruction or damage. To the National Monuments Protection Fund will be allocated roughly 20 M PLN on annual basis. NMPF will be established on 1 January 2018. Followed by expansion of Fund’s resources (from payments and penalties).

■ Increase of resources in the ”Protection of Monuments" established by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage by 20 M PLN, counting from 2017.

■ Providing the Cultural Heritage Foundation with a donation amounted to: 20 M PLN (28 M US dollars) for perpetual capital completion, from an investment that generated income will be used to conduct cleanup and conservatory works on the Jewish Graveyard near Okopowa street.

■ Social campaign ”Landscape of my city"- its purpose is related to preventing advertisement chaos in the public areas. This campaign encourages limitation of presence of large formats banners, which disfigure historic buildings. Moreover, this campaign enhances skilful implementation of green areas into urban space.

National Conference of Culture

■ This venture has been planned in order to identify and implement the needs and objective of Polish artistic environments, Until now, five national thematic symposia were conducted (regarding music folk culture, theatre, dance, audiovisual arts), currently regional symposia take place. The impact of NCC will be seen through outlining the framework of cultural policy in relation to state and local authorities and development of optimal solutions aimed at creators, which will be reflected in amendment to the law regarding organisation and conduction of cultural activity.

National Programme of Reading Development

■ Adopted by the Council of Ministers, long-term programme planned for the period 2016-2020 developed in order to improve reading status in Poland through strengthening the role of various libraries, including public, school and educational as local centres of social life providing residents with access to culture and knowledge. This objective has been implemented through financial support aimed at modernisation, construction or conversion of library facilities of smaller localities, and steadily expanding library collections (public and school )with new releases on the publishing market.

Allocation of Structural Funds

■ Acceleration of allocation of structural funds under 7th priority axis of Culture and Cultural Heritage which is a part of the Infrastructure and Environment Operating Programme. As of October 2017, decisions and signing of agreements here conducted regarding 99 projects on  total amounted to 1,7 B PLN, out of which The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) financed1,3 B PLN (70 % of allocations). By the end of 2017, all agreements concerning the projects will be signed that means 100% of available allocation will be contracted (initial plan provided for resources acceleration in the period of 4 years). Due to smooth dispose of resources, MKiDN has been granted with another 120 M PLN from the European Funds, and currently another competition is underway, concerning the Norwegian funds (roughly 75 M EUR)

Thermomodernisation of Artistic Schools

■ Implementation of the systematic project entitled. ”Complex energetic modernisation of selected facilities of artistic education in Poland”. This project includes 139 facilities of artistic education, mainly in small and medium-sized towns, including 187 buildings that are old, destroyed and expensive in maintenance. As of October 2017, 45 agreements were signed regarding construction and installation works, amounted to 136,9 M PLN. The total worth of this projects is more than 500 M PLN. Saving of energy and funds will be improved roughly by 60% on average.

Support for Cultural and Creative Sectors in Poland

■ The Creative Sectors Development Programme. 24 projects related to national video games industry, for this purpose over 1,2 M PLN in total was allocated.

■ Organisation of Mastering the Game Conference and Music Export Conference on a regular basis.

■ Organisation of the Impact'17 Congress in Cracow, which was the biggest event of such type in Central and Eastern Europe, concerning the challenges and possibilities of social-economic development under so-called economy 4.0

■ Since 2016, on a yearly basis it is granted the Minster’s of Culture and National Heritage Award, in the “Digital Culture” category.

■ MKiDN analyses the possibility to introduce tax intensives mechanisms, regarding video games production in Poland.

■ Creation of the Video Games Museum in Warsaw is currently in the planning-stages. It is planned to happen with cooperation with Indie Games Polska Foundation.

■ MKiDN supports a cyclical research entitled the Condition the Polish Video Games Industry Condition.

■ It is also planned the establishment of so-called indirect institution with cooperation with the Industrial Development. The main objective of this facility will be to enhance cooperation improvement among cultural, creative sectors, including video game industry with financial institutions.

The "Digital cultures" conference was organised in September 2017 by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute in September 2017, covering a wide range of topics from computer games and narrative museums to interactive storytelling and aspects of digitalisation. This event resulted with an inclusion of the sentence "Digitalisation of digital culture development" into the Strategy for Responsible Development

■ Under the Minister's "Digital culture" programme, through providing financial support for the Centres of Competence on Digitalisation (the National Library of Poland, the National Film Archive -the National Audiovisual Institute, the National Heritage Institute, the State Archive in Warsaw Digital Archive, the National Institute for Museums and Public Collections NIMOZ), 5,5 M PLN was the total amount allocated for this purpose in 2017.

The Most Important Legal Amendments

■ Doubling the amount of income limit for creators, from which it was possible to take into account 50 perc. yeld expenses. The limit will be increased from roughly 80 thousand PLN to roughly 160 thousand PLN (from 1 January 2018).

■ The project involving changes in the press law. Affected by this change, there were among others, article 10 (paragraph 2 and 3), which obliged the reporter to implement the editorial policy of his press title. As a result, relics of the communist law will be eliminated. In accordance with this novelisation, the reporter has the right to refuse fulfilment of his professional obligation, if he is anticipated to publish material that violates the standards of accuracy, objectivism and professional diligence. He can also refuse to publish press material to which there was implemented amendment that changed the meaning and pronunciation of the original version. In addition, the authorisation period aimed at the interviewed person was reduced, in order to prevent them from blocking publication. (up to 6 hours for daily newspapers and  24 hours for weekly magazines, respectively).

■ The Incentives for Audiovisual Producers - law project that will introduce financial support mechanisms into Polish legislation. This will become a factor in stimulation of the audiovisual market and will enable return of 25% of eligible costs, which emerge in production and co-production and will strengthen international cooperation in this regard (from 1 January 2018).

■ the law on amending the act on the protection and preservation of monuments and other acts selected - signed by the President of RP on 2 August 2017. It introduces temporal protection of historic facilities and the modernistic architecture protection. Position of the General Conservator of Monuments was strengthened, as well as were the competences concerning General Conservators in voivodships. Pursuant to this law the National Monuments Protection Fund has been established as the first financing source outside the state budget related to works associated with monuments.

■ Preparation of law as regards the resuscitation of national cultural goods. It outlines the competences of state organs in relation to resuscitation, both in conduction of proceedings in Poland and to proceedings conducted in other countries with participation of foreign entities.

■ Preparation of law draft regarding the act on organising and engaging in cultural activity. This will provide Polish cultural institutions that conduct their activity on the foreign market, with a stable source of financial support, (such as the Polish Library based in Paris, or the Polish Museum in Rapperswil).

■ Public lending right- the Minister of Culture and National Heritage settled a competition, in the course of which, he established collective management organisation SAiW "Copyright Polska" as the competent organisation concerning remuneration payments on library rentals.

■ Currently there are finalised projects on collective management of copyright, or related rights published by MKiDN on the Governmental Legislation Centre in April 2017. It will become the first complex regulation on the copyrights concerning collective organisation management.  The objective of this act is to eliminate numerous doubts and irregularities, which emerged in the 20-year-period when previous regulations were in force.

■ Works regarding novelisation of co-called clear data medium, which objective is to increase the income of creators and artists as regards the permitted personal use (e.g. through tablets and smart phones). Current revenues from these payments, when counted per capita, are among the smallest in Europe.

■ The draft law on amending the act on radio-broadcasting and television, which objective is related to clarification of definition on public mission, creation of  procedure regarding prior assessment of potential and relevant new media services on the market, which could obtain a financing from  public resources and regulating the principles of efficient control over the quality of public mission implementation.

■ Preparation of two laws regarding financing of the public media:

- improvement of continuous subscription,

- the PIT Act (KRUS).

■ Preparation of compensation aimed at the public media as a part of budget novelisation for 2017 .

■ The Deconcentration Act - advanced level of preparation, awaiting political decision regarding further proceedings.

New Programmes of the Minister

■ The grants system development - the programmes of the Minister of Culture and Heritage from its resources it is financed a broad scope of cultural activities. In 2017, total amounted resources of  291,25 M PLN were spent on 29 programmes. Establishment of 8 new programmes and 2 new projects with the total budget value of 32,5 M PLN.

New MKiDN programmes in 2017:

• Digital culture

• Research on Polish war losses 

• National memorial places established abroad.

• Support for regional memorial institutions - the caretakers of memory places.

• Support of memorial places care and permanent national commutation.

• Artistic events aimed at children and young adults.

• Development of creative sectors.

• Partnerships for books.

Under the Cultural Education Programme we have established two new priorities:

• Establishment and conduction of complex activities regarding cultural education aimed at adult individuals, in particular implementing the formula  of co-called "folk universities",

• Establishment and conduction of complex activities concerning education and cultural animation, implemented by scout associations.

New competitions established by MKiDN

• Announcement of two new music competitions: the International Chopin Competition on Historical Instruments and the Karol Szymanowski International Musical Competition.

• Announcement of the First Open Scholarship Competition, concerning writing Fictional Film screenplay related to Polish history. 856 applications were submitted to this competition. As a result, 8 full-length fictional films screenplays were created, as well as the base consisting of 111 projects and treatments.

Digitalisation of films and musical works

■ New programme implemented by MKiDN, the Fryderyk Chopin Institute and the Polish Music Publishing House It provides for digitalisation and provision of sources, manuscripts and musical prints.  Only in 2018, over 300 thousand pages of musical prints will be digitalised.

■ Merging the National Film Archive - the Audiovisual Institute (FINA) and the National Audiovisual Institute (NINA) what led to quicker digitalisation of film works.

International events

■ Organisation of  41 sessions for the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in Cracow.

Thanks to the efforts of the Ministry, silver, lead, and zinc mines located in Tarnowskie Góry where included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, as well as the groundwater management system. In the UNESCO sessions participated, representatives of 126 countries. The UNESCO World Heritage List included 21 new objects and 5 entries have been modified.

■ "New Spaces for Reading - the Visegrad Conference 2017" the International Expert Conference, organised by MKiDN and the Book Institute in which participated V4 experts. Main topics under discussion were related to development and popularisation of reading, good practice and exchange of experiences in this regard.

■ The Global Congress of Libraries and Information of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, IFLA held in Wrocław in autumn  2017.  

There were 3,1 thousand representatives from 120 countries. In duration of this Congress, 247  plenary sessions, workshops, presentations took place conducted by over 100 specialists.

Celebrating 100 years of independence

■ The long-term Independent Programme  - appointment of the Independent Programme  Office and announcement of two grants competitions aimed at voivodships and regional cultural institutions and non-governmental organisations. The budget of this programme amounted to over 200 M PLN. The Independent Programme Office started the donation programmes, e.g.. "Independent" – addressed to regional cultural institutions and non-governmental organisations.  Solely in 2017, under this programme, over 150 projects/events, will be organised. They will receive financing resources in the total amount of 4 M PLN.
